Monthly Archives: February 2010
Moment of Truth on Health Care Reform
The moment of truth is approaching for the Democrats this year on health care reform. The seven-hour public spectacle of the Health Care Summit is now behind us and it demonstrated that the Republicans are in no mood to compromise. … Continue reading
Health Insurance Reform on the Bubble
Thursday’s public summit on Health Care Reform will be carried on C-SPAN and cable television. Anyone care to bet that the American people will end up the losers? The Democrats frittered away their chance to give the American people something … Continue reading
Deficit Hawk Disinformation
Deficits have since the Great Depression been the only real tool the federal government has had in its arsenal to fight recessions, and especially serious declines such as during the Great Depression. So are federal deficits the problem today, or … Continue reading
Raising the Ante on Health Insurance Reform
At a recent Democratic National Committee fundraiser, President Obama raised the stakes for Democrats in Congress: “And it may be that … if Congress decides we’re not going to do it, even after all the facts are laid out, all … Continue reading
Obama Turns Hard to the Center
The signs are unmistakable. Whether it be his decisions as Commander-In-Chief in Afghanistan, his recent proposals for a series of small business tax cuts to spur job growth, or calls for a spending freeze on discretionary federal spending – President … Continue reading