Electoral Nullification in 2010

In my March 13, 2010 blog post, I wrote about Republican attempts to nullify the results of the 2006 and 2008 elections through the use of the filibuster and stalling tactics in congressional committees. I suggested an analogy between the world of jurisprudence in which the concept of jury nullification raises the specter of tainted justice — of juries overlooking evidence and the facts to deliver questionable innocent verdicts – to the tactics used by Republicans to nullify recent electoral results by questioning the motives, patriotism, and allegiance to country of those who oppose their conservative views.

The question before Democrats at that time was Health Care Reform, and I urged Democrats to have the courage of their convictions about the appropriate role for government. Now, going in to the 2010 mid-term elections, the Democrats at least have some accomplishments to point to as they attempt to hold on to control of the Congress. The past 18 months have seen Democrats pass a Recovery Act that added enough stimulus to our economy to bring us back from the brink of a depression, health care reform that will eventually insure virtually all Americans, and credit card reform that protects Americans from the most egregious abuse by the credit card industry.

Now, the Congress is poised to pass much needed reform of our largest financial institutions. As we move through the summer, Democrats need to press their case before the American people that government can, and must, act to protect the people from the excesses of greed and corruption that permeate the American economic landscape. Multinational corporations can not be allowed to pollute our environment, take excessive financial risks that put the American economy at risk, nor deny health insurance and medical care to the most vulnerable among us.

The time is now Democrats to begin to re-energize our grass roots efforts to prosecute the case for responsible government acting in the public interest. Democrats must get to work telling the truth about an imperfect but progressive legislative agenda that will improve the quality of life and economic well-being of many millions of Americans. We need to remind voters that Democrats have always been the party of the people. The alternative message of Republicans — appealing to the worst instincts of the American people — paints a picture of a tyrannical government on the verge of destroying our freedom. That message has been resonating with many Americans who are angry and concerned about the future of our nation.

It’s time to engage in what will likely prove to be a political battle of epic proportions, a battle that will have profound consequences for our nation. Now is not the time to be silent, timid, or complacent in pressing the case that government is not the problem — it is in fact our last line of defense from those public and private actors whose greed and corruption are very much a threat to our American way of life.

Jonathan Cykman, EzineArticles.com Basic PLUS Author

About cykman

Jon Cykman works in Washington, DC as a consultant, and is long-time student of American Politics. He started out handing out campaign materials for Hubert Humphrey during the campaign of 1968, and later went on to earn a B.A. in Political Science from the State University of New York, College at Purchase in 1978, and an M.A. in Public Affairs from the University of Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs in 1980. Jon retired from Federal Service after 31 years of service, and lives with his family in Catonsville, MD.
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