Category Archives: Economic Policy

Inflection Point: Our Great American Challenge

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis, we find ourselves at a time of great opportunity. We can communicate without boundaries, fabricate virtually anything we can imagine and even change our DNA. We have all … Continue reading

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UnitedAmericans Launched To Bring Us Together As Americans

Something different is happening this 4th of July. A transformational strategy is being launched to fill the growing void between us as Americans. went live at 3pm today, committed to using new and innovative technologies that will empower us … Continue reading

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Honoring the American Worker – 2011

As we honor the American Worker on this Labor Day 2011, those of us who work for a living in these United States of America are increasingly uneasy about the direction of our country. For good reason. Stagnant incomes and … Continue reading

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Republicans Threaten the American Economy

The greatest source of uncertainty facing the American economy has been, and continues to be, Republican/Tea Party threats related to funding government and raising the debt ceiling. To listen to the Republicans, the Obama adminstration is creating uncertainty in our … Continue reading

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The Looming Republican Recession

Apparently, Republicans are so hell bent on returning to power that they are willing to push the economy back into a recession to do so. Let’s hope the American people come to understand just how misguided and dangerous the Republican … Continue reading

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To Form A More Perfect Union

The United States Constitution begins with the words: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the … Continue reading

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Tea Party Extortion

When the initial threat of a federal government shutdown was averted earlier this month, the Republican/Tea party game plan was revealed for what it was, high stakes political extortion.  In threatening to shut down federal government operations, the Republican/Tea Party … Continue reading

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Talking Down America

American right-wing conservatives really should be ashamed of themselves. In their efforts to regain the White House and the Congress, opposition leaders have crossed the line over and over again since President Obama took office. They have opposed the President … Continue reading

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Misplaced Union Envy

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and homes since the financial collapse of 2008.  Tens of millions more are in fear of losing their jobs and homes.  Conservatives and tea party activists have chosen to blame the government and … Continue reading

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Job Killing Republican Budget Cuts

The Republican onslaught continues.  Public sector employees are just the current manifestation of an effort by Republicans to get back into power — to retake the House of Representatives, the Senate, and ultimately the White House.  Central to the Republican … Continue reading

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