Tag Archives: deficit spending
Republicans Threaten the American Economy
The greatest source of uncertainty facing the American economy has been, and continues to be, Republican/Tea Party threats related to funding government and raising the debt ceiling. To listen to the Republicans, the Obama adminstration is creating uncertainty in our … Continue reading
The Looming Republican Recession
Apparently, Republicans are so hell bent on returning to power that they are willing to push the economy back into a recession to do so. Let’s hope the American people come to understand just how misguided and dangerous the Republican … Continue reading
Tea Party Extortion
When the initial threat of a federal government shutdown was averted earlier this month, the Republican/Tea party game plan was revealed for what it was, high stakes political extortion. In threatening to shut down federal government operations, the Republican/Tea Party … Continue reading
Talking Down America
American right-wing conservatives really should be ashamed of themselves. In their efforts to regain the White House and the Congress, opposition leaders have crossed the line over and over again since President Obama took office. They have opposed the President … Continue reading
Job Killing Republican Budget Cuts
The Republican onslaught continues. Public sector employees are just the current manifestation of an effort by Republicans to get back into power — to retake the House of Representatives, the Senate, and ultimately the White House. Central to the Republican … Continue reading
What Kind of America Do We Want to Live In?
The lesson of the events in Wisconsin for progressives is clear. When you let the opposition set the political agenda and frame the political discussion, losing is inevitable. The conservative, tea party narrative asserts that government has been living beyond … Continue reading
Time to Stand Up for Our Teachers, Police, and Firefighters
State governments across the US are facing record budget deficits in the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2012 that begins July 1, 2011 in most states. Altogether, total state shortfalls could exceed $140 billion in FY 2012. The biggest deficits look … Continue reading
Growing Our Way To American Jobs
Despite all the rhetoric these days about tax and budget cuts, the reality is that we will only see real improvement in employment prospects for our nation’s workers if we start seeing strong economic growth. What’s needed is the kind … Continue reading
Blaming the Middle Class
Deficit reduction will need to be high on the legislative agenda of the 112th Congress. Government is borrowing too much — current policies are just not sustainable. The solutions are simple — spend less, increase revenues, or both. The politics … Continue reading
Barack and Bill
Barack Obama brought out Bill Clinton to address the press in the White House briefing room yesterday, and then gave the former president the stage. It no doubt caused a lot of us to flash back 15 years to when … Continue reading