Tag Archives: economic stimulus
Talking Down America
American right-wing conservatives really should be ashamed of themselves. In their efforts to regain the White House and the Congress, opposition leaders have crossed the line over and over again since President Obama took office. They have opposed the President … Continue reading
Job Killing Republican Budget Cuts
The Republican onslaught continues. Public sector employees are just the current manifestation of an effort by Republicans to get back into power — to retake the House of Representatives, the Senate, and ultimately the White House. Central to the Republican … Continue reading
Growing Our Way To American Jobs
Despite all the rhetoric these days about tax and budget cuts, the reality is that we will only see real improvement in employment prospects for our nation’s workers if we start seeing strong economic growth. What’s needed is the kind … Continue reading
The 111th Congress Leaves A Legacy
As members of the 111th Congress leave town for the Christmas holiday, it’s a little sobering that despite the appearance and reality of partisan gridlock, the outgoing Congress was among the most productive in decades. A partial listing of legislative … Continue reading
Merry Christmas from Washington, DC
President Obama and some very unlikely allies in Washington, DC have given the American people a Christmas present of sorts. As a result of a bipartisan agreement between the President and Republican leaders in Congress, middle class taxes will not … Continue reading
Barack and Bill
Barack Obama brought out Bill Clinton to address the press in the White House briefing room yesterday, and then gave the former president the stage. It no doubt caused a lot of us to flash back 15 years to when … Continue reading
The Big Lie About Jobs and Taxes
The question of whether to extend the Bush tax cuts seems hopelessly mired in misinformation. The bickering in Washington on the economy seems almost exclusively focused on the top marginal tax rates — the rate paid by the wealthiest taxpayers … Continue reading
Right Wing Political Mythology
To listen to Conservatives, you might think that the Obama Administration is a threat to the very survival of our nation. According to conservative right-wing propagandists, under President Obama the federal deficit has skyrocketed, taxes have been raised, the banks … Continue reading
The Republican Pledge: A Plan to Wreck Government
If you look carefully at The Republican Pledge, what you see is the culmination of a decades long effort by anti-government conservatives to undermine American self-government. The ideological posture of these folks has been since the 1960s that government is … Continue reading
The Republican Pledge: A Plan To Create Jobs?
The Republican Party this week issued its Pledge To America. The sub-title suggests that it is somehow a new governing agenda built on the priorities, principles, and values of our nation. It is neither new, nor founded on anything like … Continue reading