Tag Archives: tax cuts

Tea Party Extortion

When the initial threat of a federal government shutdown was averted earlier this month, the Republican/Tea party game plan was revealed for what it was, high stakes political extortion.  In threatening to shut down federal government operations, the Republican/Tea Party … Continue reading

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Time to Stand Up for Our Teachers, Police, and Firefighters

State governments across the US are facing record budget deficits in the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2012 that begins July 1, 2011 in most states.  Altogether, total state shortfalls could exceed $140 billion in FY 2012.  The biggest deficits look … Continue reading

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The 111th Congress Leaves A Legacy

As members of the 111th Congress leave town for the Christmas holiday, it’s a little sobering that despite the appearance and reality of partisan gridlock, the outgoing Congress was among the most productive in decades. A partial listing of legislative … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas from Washington, DC

President Obama and some very unlikely allies in Washington, DC have given the American people a Christmas present of sorts. As a result of a bipartisan agreement between the President and Republican leaders in Congress, middle class taxes will not … Continue reading

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The Failed Bush Tax Cuts

Failed Bush economic policy, and the failed Bush tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003, added $4.36 trillion to the national debt during his 8 years in office. And what was the impact of the Bush tax cuts on the … Continue reading

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Steering to the Tax Cut Center

Well here we are looking at the prospects of a 1994 replay wherein the Democrats lose one or even both houses of Congress. Could it happen? Maybe. Smart money says the House of Representatives is more vulnerable than the Senate … Continue reading

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