Category Archives: Economic Policy

What Kind of America Do We Want to Live In?

The lesson of the events in Wisconsin for progressives is clear.  When you let the opposition set the political agenda and frame the political discussion, losing is inevitable.  The conservative, tea party narrative asserts that government has been living beyond … Continue reading

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Time to Stand Up for Our Teachers, Police, and Firefighters

State governments across the US are facing record budget deficits in the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2012 that begins July 1, 2011 in most states.  Altogether, total state shortfalls could exceed $140 billion in FY 2012.  The biggest deficits look … Continue reading

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Re-Engaging in the Health Care Debate

The Obama Administration does not appear ready to re-open the health care reform debate any time soon. Having paid the political price for focusing on health care reform instead of job creation during his first two years in office, President … Continue reading

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Growing Our Way To American Jobs

Despite all the rhetoric these days about tax and budget cuts, the reality is that we will only see real improvement in employment prospects for our nation’s workers if we start seeing strong economic growth.  What’s needed is the kind … Continue reading

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Blaming the Middle Class

Deficit reduction will need to be high on the legislative agenda of the 112th Congress. Government is borrowing too much — current policies are just not sustainable. The solutions are simple — spend less, increase revenues, or both. The politics … Continue reading

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The Lack of Civility

Thinking back over the past year, and on the events in Tuscon, AZ this weekend, I found myself reflecting back over some things I wrote this summer. We don’t yet know the motives of the deranged mind of Jared Loughner … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas from Washington, DC

President Obama and some very unlikely allies in Washington, DC have given the American people a Christmas present of sorts. As a result of a bipartisan agreement between the President and Republican leaders in Congress, middle class taxes will not … Continue reading

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Barack and Bill

Barack Obama brought out Bill Clinton to address the press in the White House briefing room yesterday, and then gave the former president the stage. It no doubt caused a lot of us to flash back 15 years to when … Continue reading

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The Failed Bush Tax Cuts

Failed Bush economic policy, and the failed Bush tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003, added $4.36 trillion to the national debt during his 8 years in office. And what was the impact of the Bush tax cuts on the … Continue reading

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Prospects for Good Governance

The talking heads in the media are all assuming that the next few months in Washington will be filled with confrontation perhaps leading to a government shutdown.  And with good reason.  There are certainly the makings of stalemate and gridlock … Continue reading

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